True Story - Almost Missed My Own Marriage
The year was 1994 when this true story really happened. It was a Sunday. I stood there dazed and confused what to do now, as the aircraft a Boeing 737, which was my last and only hope to reach the small Church in my home town 2000 km away from this island, where my marriage was planned the next day at 10:00 am, the 31st Jan. There were 26 hours to go. And I stood at the airport lost in my thoughts.
My air ticket was waiting list number 541 and I had expected the Boeing to take off without me onboard. Now only divine intervention or a miracle has to happen, if I have to attend my marriage. I had prepared for the event so much. Although everything looked a waste, I still had one last option of the Air Force Avro aircraft from the island to the mainland two hours later. But my name was not on the manifested list of passengers.
A ship takes four days to cross the ocean. What am I going to do. I cannot swim a thousand kilometers. All I could do at that moment was to pray to the God to make a miracle happen. Something like time travel or a worm hole through which I could beat time and reach the church on time for my marriage.
I was posted to a helicopter flying unit this Island, far away from home. My luck had first run out when I tried to get leave. Once I cleared that hurdle the previous day and came to the airport, the flight took off leaving me behind on the island. I was going to miss my own marriage despite being engaged a month back. My father being a retiree from the Army, he doesn't believe in failures.
I wanted to cry, I wanted to scream, I wished I was not born. But none of these were for me to do. I am a man and not allowed to cry, by the society, I am an officer and I cannot scream lest someone hears me and I am already born 28 years ago and I could do nothing about it. I stood there frozen in time and unable to think logically.
I could not believe that I am going to be found missing in my own marriage, stranded on an island 2000 kilometers away from home. I could not even imagine a life for me and my family after that being from a highly conservative society and family.
Less than 24 hours were left for my marriage ceremony to start in a small Church at my hometown and I am still stuck in the Capital town of this Island, situated deep inside the Ocean, with no way of reaching my home about 2000 kilometers away. Out of this only 800 kilometers is land and remaining 1200 kilometers is all water.
To reach home I have to first cross 1200 kilometers over the ocean to reach main land. Then, I have to take a train for over 800 kilometers to reach the railway station near my home. From there I have to take a bus and travel about 26 kilometers. It doesn't end there. I have to walk the last kilometer sweating like a pig to reach home. Those days transport was a big problem.
I was ready to walk even the entire 2000 kilometers if I had the time necessary for the walk back home. I did not know what to do. I did could not manage a flight ticket as the airlines had over 541 in the waiting list for the two weekly flights.
The previous year, when I had gone home on leave, my parents suddenly thought of getting me married. I went with my parents visiting the house of this girl who was to be my wife, to see her. I liked her and there was no time wasted.
I was engaged to be married to this girl within a week, as I had to return back to my unit. The engagement ceremony was held in her home town. And it was decided that the marriage will be in my home town a hundred kilometers north of her home.
My Marriage Leave Approval Story
This true story actually started when my father sent me a few invitation cards by post, at my request, to my unit. I went to a few important people and friends and gave them the invitation card even though my leave application was not signed by my Commanding Officer. One of the dignitaries I gave my marriage invitation card and took blessings, was the Admiral who is the boss of the entire Islands.
I had put up my leave application for 60 days almost a month ago when I reached my unit after my engagement. 60 days is the maximum leave I am entitled for the full year. A day back on Friday, when I went to check up if my leave has been approved, I saw a note attached to it which said, “Tell the boy, to put a return flight ticket for himself and his to-be-wife back to the island and resubmit the application."
I also noticed that, in my leave application form for 60 days leave, the numeral zero of the leave duration 60 has been cut off. I asked my senior, who confirmed that the Commanding Officer has said that I have to return back to unit, within six days of my proceeding on leave, because there is a severe shortage of pilots in the unit.
There are only two flights going to the main land every week. One on Wednesdays and another on Sundays. There is also an Air Force plane which goes once a week to a mainland airport on all Sundays. In the defense services, one is not allowed to ask questions, but just follow orders, even if it is your own marriage.
I went and booked two return air tickets from mainland to the islands for coming back with my wife. Fortunately, both air tickets were confirmed. But my ticket to the mainland was waiting list 541. I knew, I could never board that flight.
That prompted me to try getting my name included into the passenger manifest of the Air Force aircraft, where the chance of getting a seat was equally bleak as mostly the air force aircraft was meant for Air Force people and occasionally some senior Naval Officers, if there is any seat still left. People like me stood no chance of getting my name included in the Airforce aircraft passenger list.
The way this true life story was developing, was giving me shudders because the chances of getting into a flight were less than one in a million and I was most likely going to miss attending my own marriage planned two days later which happens to be a Monday.
I went to the Commanding Officer's office to resubmit my leave. The office was located on the first floor of the huge building near the entrance gate. I went to the staff. But the Commanding Officer saw me through his dark film coated windows and called me in. When I went in to his office carrying my leave application, the two air tickets and a marriage invitation card in hand, he asked me to sit down.
The Commanding Officer looked at me and said, “Son, tell your father to change your marriage date because you cannot be spared now on leave as you are fully aware of the shortage of pilots”.
I did not know how to react to his statement. I sat looking at him blank. I asked myself if that meant no leave for my marriage?
Those days there were no mobiles or even a land line anywhere near my father’s house. The only mode of communication was through Postal Letters. A letter written and posted today will reach my father after ten to twelve days later.
And when he posts a reply it also takes around 10 to 12 days to reach me as these letters have to come by bus to the nearest railway station to my home town, from where it is put on a train to the nearest airport to the islands, from where the letter is put normally on a passenger ship which goes once or twice a month and takes four days to reach the island.
If there is no ship in the next ten days, then the letter travels by flight from mainland to the islands. How was I to inform my father that my Commanding Officer is not able to spare me for my own marriage and that my marriage which was planned a month back has to be postponed indefinitely.
As I sat gloomy in front of my Commanding Officer trying to get my leave granted for my marriage, I happened to remember my meeting with the Admiral and giving him my marriage invitation card two days back.
I answered my Commanding Officer, “Sir, it is not possible to change the marriage date because there is no way I can inform my father. My marriage is to happen the day after, and all planning has been done at my home. How do I tell my father to inform the girl’s parents living a hundred kilometers away because both houses do not have any phones at home or nearby."
The Commanding Officer said, "You said your father is ex Army. Don't worry, Army guys will find a way out."
The I said, "Sir, I had also invited the Admiral to my marriage. I met the Admiral my marriage invitation card, sought the Admiral's blessings and Permission for getting married”.
I kept quite after that waiting for his answer. My Commanding Officer also went silent for a while. It is an old Naval custom to take permission for getting married from the Seniormost Officer present in the ship or base.
I continued, “Sir as you had written on my leave application form, I have cut off 54 days from my 60 days annual leave to just six days casual leave and I have also attached two flight tickets from mainland to the islands, for myself and my would be wife.”
He looked at me and my genuinely my sorrowful face for a while. He did not say anything further and signed my leave application, for my marriage. The first hurdle of this true life story was overcome at that moment. I had one more hurdle to cross which I knew for sure existed which was to cross the ocean to the main land.
A Sleepless Night Before Marriage True Story
I had to use either a ship or an aircraft to go home. There was no time for travelling in a ship which would take four days to cross the ocean and I had just 48 hours for my marriage. A flight was an option as it takes only about two hours to cross the the thousand odd kilometers over the ocean, by air.
How was I going to cross 1200 kilometers over the Ocean? I had a flight ticket where I am the passenger waiting list number 541 booked a day ago and my name was missing in the passenger manifest of the Air Force aircraft, for which I had applied weeks ago. Both the Civil flight and the air force aircraft were leaving the day after which is a Sunday, to the mainland. The next flight to mainland is only on the next Wednesday, and the next Air Force aircraft is only in the next week.
That Saturday night, I could hardly sleep. If I cannot leave the island by morning on 30th Jan, then I am going to miss my own marriage planned on Monday. How I wished it was all a dream. I kept wriggling in my bed unable to close my eyes even for a minute. I was scared that if I sleep off then I might wake up late in the morning. Waking up late means missing the only flight the next day by 100%. If I reach the airport on time, at least I might have some chance of boarding the flight.
An hour past midnight, I remembered that I have not packed my stuff to go to the airport in the morning. I had a three piece suite stitched for myself a week back. I had spent one months salary on that suite and I remember that it is still hanging on the cloth hanger.
I got up and packed the three piece suite and the neck tie nicely into the new suitcase which was also bought a few days back. Those days suitcase was costly and very rare in that Island. That is when I remembered the brand new brown color leather Shoes, which I had bought two days back spending half my monthly salary? I tried to remember where did I keep it. I found it under my bed. I packed the shoes too into the suitcase.
I finished packing the rest of my essential items into the suitcase and lay back on bed, but I could not sleep. It was about 4:00 am and I got up from my bed. I did not know what to do. The flight is only at 8:00 am and the airport was just 10 minutes drive away from where I stayed.
Sleep had evaded me through out the night. So, I got ready by 4:15 am, to go home for getting married which on that morning felt highly impossible to happen. It was hard to believe if this is happening in my real life or a story.
I was so restless in my bedroom, that I reached the airport at 4:30 am, with my small suitcase and a wooden walking stick which I had bought for my old father a few days ago. I tried my best to get my flight ticket confirmed talking to all the airport staff who were trying to set up their work places before the passengers throng the airport lounges. Nothing worked.
I was only to travel just a little more than a thousand kilometers across the sea. But there were far too many tourists who had started reaching the airport and standing in line who were also wait listed. Some these tourists had to go to the other side of the earth where they lived. They had all come on holidays to see the Islands. Fortunately for them, none of them was going to get married the next day, like me.
I went to the airport authorities who had already taken their seats in the airport offices and tried to convince them about my dire situation once again. But how will they know what it is like, to be stuck in the island, with no way to go home, with a marriage planned to happen in under 24 hours. Unless someone goes through what I was going through, they won’t understand the stress I was under at that time. I could not blame anyone.
The flight landed and a lot of passengers disembarked. I tried my luck again. I tried to talk to the pilot. I thought since I was a naval pilot, he would at least listen to me and take me in to his aircraft. Maybe he could accommodate me in the cockpit as his guest. I was ready to travel even the bathroom if there is no seat available in the aircraft passenger cabin.
I was desperate to take that flight, but nothing worked. The flight took off from the runway as planned. I stood there for a while, frozen in time and lost in my thoughts after I missed my flight to my marriage, completely blank with no idea what to do. I was stranded 2000 kilometers away from the small church in my hometown where my marriage is going to happen the next day. I am going to be missing in my own marriage was almost a true statement.
Air Force Aircraft Door Closed on Me True Story
That is when I remembered that there is an Airforce Aircraft two hours later, where I had applied for my name. But then, the previous day itself I had found out that the manifest put up on the notice board, did not have my name in it. That means I am not going to be allowed to board that air force flight either.
But I walked towards my unit a kilometer across the runway, where the air force aircraft is scheduled to land and embark passengers and take off to the mainland. I reached my unit after a fifteen minute walk across the runway. They allow crossing the runway by walk since the next flight is only a couple of hours later.
The Air Force aircraft I was expecting and hoping to take me to my marriage, was an old Avro which actually comes to this Island and also hops other islands bringing in provisions like ration, live animals etc for the Army, Navy and the Air force.
On its way back instead of going empty, it carries air force people, and a few others, who were manifested by the Air Force authorities. Even though I had found my name was not there on the passenger manifest on the notice board, I searched for my name in the passenger manifest list once again on the notice board. My name was still missing.
That was my last hope of going home to get married. No one other than God could help me now. Or a miracle has to happen now, for me to be transported or time travel to my home town by some means.
My sleep deprived brain was not working properly, and these events were confusing me further. As I stood there looking at the notice board, with my bag in one hand and the walking stick in the other hand, I heard the propeller sound of the Avro which landed behind me. I turned and saw the Avro aircraft touch down on the runway.
The sound of the aircraft did not excite me. Seeing the Avro aircraft come and stop in front of me too did not rake up any emotion in me, as it usually does, being a pilot myself. Because I am not going to be on it today on its way to the mainland, over the sea. I continued to stand motionless for a long time till the Avro came and switched off in front, on the tarmac. I saw people whose name perhaps was there in the list lined up on the side to board that aircraft.
As the propellors of the air force aircraft stopped, the door of the aircraft opened and passengers started getting down the ladder. I stood frozen unable to move or talk, with my small suitcase in one hand and my walking stick in my other hand as I watched them disembark followed by those who were waiting to board the aircraft, climb the stairs into the aircraft. And the door of the Air force aircraft closed and shut on my face.
As the airport crew removed the ladder, I could only wish that I was also one of those who boarded this air force flight to the mainland. Then, I did not have to miss my own marriage. Now I can't make it to my marriage once this air force aircraft also take off leaving me stranded on this island 2000 kilometers away from home.
The Walking Stick Saves My Marriage True Story
About 2 minutes after the door were shut, the doors opened again. My heart thumped. Was this the door to my marriage? As I waited, I saw one pilot come to the door and asking the ground crew for the ladder back. The ladder was brought back to the door.
As I looked on the Pilot of the aircraft came down the stair and walk straight towards where I was standing. He seemed to be looking at me. A ray of hope lit up in my mind. I won't miss my marriage after all. I am going to talk to this pilot, if I have to board his plane and reach home in time for my marriage.
But, by the time I took to decide to talk to that pilot, the Pilot a Wing Commander by rank, had already walked past me without even noticing my presence there. As he passed by me, my head and body automatically turned in his direction. I saw him disappear into the toilet. I wanted to talk to him, but did not know how to start. I was not sure if he will ever understand me.
I continued to look in the direction the pilot went and I do not know why. Probably this was my last hope of flying to mainland India. After about 5 minutes the pilot came out and walked past me towards his aircraft, ignoring my presence, the way he had ignored me whilst he walked towards the toilet.
And this time too I failed to open mouth and speak to him. I had failed myself. Something inside me was preventing me from saying my mind out to him. Probably, it was my false pride.
I stood motionless looking at my last hope of being married going away from me. That is when a sort of miracle started happening. The pilot who was walking briskly towards the aircraft suddenly stopped and then turned back towards me and started walking towards me with a smile on his face. Did he read my mind? Is he going to take me home? My heart started racing.
The air force aircraft pilot continued walking towards me. I thought that like last time he is going to the toilet. But why should he smile at me for that. I was sure he had forgotten something in the toilet. But this pilot came straight to me and stopped with the smile still on his face with his teeth showing his thick moustache.
He touched the walking stick in my hand and asked. “Lovely walking stick. Where did you buy it? How much does it cost?” He did not ask anything about my marriage I was goint to miss tomorrow which I would miss, if I do not take this flight home.
My heart sank again. This pilot did not come to me or ask me anything. He is fascinated with the walking stick I had bought for my father.
I told him without any excitement, “Sir I bought this walking stick for my father. That is all the present he wanted me to bring him on my marriage tomorrow. But it looks like I can’t make it to my own marriage. You can have the walking stick. It is worthless to me now.”
The pilot exclaimed, “What, it is your marriage tomorrow? Congratulations to you young man. You will be presenting this beautiful walking stick to your father tomorrow and getting married too. Then why didn't you board the aircraft?”
I meekly said, “Sir, my name is not there in the passenger manifest of your aircraft.”
The pilot continued, “Forget the manifest. Come with me”. He took the walking stick from me and used it to walk till the aircraft. I followed him in ultimate thrill.
He handed over the walking stick back to me and said, "When are coming back after marriage?"
I said, "Sir, I am back the next Sunday."
The pilot said, "So soon? You didn't ask for more leave?"
I said, "Sir, God is great. At least he ensured that I get 6 days to get married and sent you as pilot of this aircraft today, to ensure that I get married."
The pilot said, “When you get back after marriage, please buy and keep a walking stick like that for me. I will take it from you on one of the trips next month.”
He allowed me to board his aircraft before him. The moment I reached the top of the ladder, an airman checking the manifest asked me, "Sir, your identity card please."
I showed him my Identity card. After looking into the manifest he said, "Sir your name is not there in the manifest. I am afraid, you will have to go back."
That is when the pilot said, "Airman, don't worry, he is my guest. Give him a good seat near the cockpit." There were no questions asked thereafter.
Finally I was going to attend my own marriage. I was not getting stranded on this island 2000 kilometers from home. My dad's Walking Stick had saved my marriage. I was so happy. When I was buying that walking stick, I had never thought that walking stick will become my boarding pass into this flight across the ocean from this island in an air force aircraft. Married because of a Walking Stick, it is so funny to even think.
One More Hurdle to My Marriage True Story
I thought this true story was ending. What I did not know is that with this flight, my life's true story was just beginning. I was happy that I have overcome the biggest hurdle that was posing as the greatest threat at that moment. There were many more hurdles lined up. But I sat in that aircraft happy, unaware of the dangers that were trying to stop me from attending my own marriage.
The aircraft flew for about four or five hours slowly as it was an old Avro flying at half the speed of a Boeing 737. Finally, after a never ending flight, we landed at an Air Force base in the mainland. The pilot who had let me board the aircraft, came and shook hands with me once again to congratulate me on my marriage and departed.
Before walking away, he told me to stay in the aircraft because the next set of crew is flying the aircraft back to their home base, which is closer and will reduce the distance to my home town, by 5 hours.
I was very happy to hear that. Because I can reduce my train journey by half and even board a bus which will take me home that air force base in just four more hours. That means I can reach home that very night itself. That was a whole 20 hours to for my marriage now. I was now the happiest man on earth.
My father had a lot of faith in me that I will make it in time for my marriage, as planned. He has served in the Army and knows what defense life is all about. He was fully aware of the hardship in getting leave granted in the services. So, I was not worried about my parents. But my relatives might not understand if I go missing in my own marriage.
But I was very worried about the girl’s parents. How would they have react if I were not to reach in time for my marriage? All that is history now. I am going to be home a day earlier than I had thought I would reach. I waited for the next set of pilots to board and fly the Airforce aircraft to the city which is just four hours from my home by bus.
But I did not know that my next hurdle was going to be the this new set of pilot of this air force aircraft. They were going to take me for a ride of my life. Completely unaware of this fact, I sat there thinking about my marriage and my plans to return back to my unit.
An hour passed and there was no pilot who came to the aircraft. There were some air force men who were cleaning the aircraft and servicing the aircraft for the next flight. A fuel bowser came and refueled the aircraft. Everything was over and everyone went away except one or two air force men, who probably were standing there for aircraft security.
I waited for another hour. Time now was around 4:00 pm. But, no pilot appeared. I was sweating profusely in that deserted aircraft, which was now unusually hot in the afternoon Sun. I came out of the aircraft with my suitcase and walking stick in hand. I was hungry as I had not had lunch.
I walked towards the aircraft hangars a few hundred meters away with my suitcase and walking stick. I thought it better to go and board a train before it is too late. If I miss the one or two trains in the evening from that place, I will not be able to make it to my marriage on time tomorrow. I listened to the pilot who helped me escape from the islands, and created this new hurdle to my marriage.
I aimlessly wandered towards the aircraft hangar and entered it. It was a Sunday and the air base wore and deserted look. There were some half open aircraft of different types under maintenance.
As I looked around, I saw a pilot’s crew room board hanging outside one of the rooms there. I went inside and found a few pilots sleeping. I thought I will wait there for a while till these pilots wake up. I found a Sofa and sat on the sofa.
I looked at the big clock hanging in the crew room and it read 4:30 pm. A civilian bearer came in and offered me some tea. I sipped my tea and was lost in confusing thoughts as to whether I should wait for this aircraft or take a train directly to my hometown. Both will take the same time if I decide now.
As I sat there confused one of the pilot woke up and saw me. He asked, “Are you the guy getting married tomorrow?”
I said, “Yes Sir”.
The sleepy pilot, a Squadron Leader by rank said, “OK, just relax, we will take off by 6:00 pm.” And he started sleeping again.
I was now confused again. But, I thought it is still better to stay since I have got a confirmation that the air force aircraft is taking off. Even if it takes off at 6 pm, it will reach by 8 pm and I will have enough and more time to reach home tonight itself. So I decided to take the air force aircraft, instead of an unreserved train ride for ten hours, all the way home.
I did not know that, it was one of the most foolish decisions I have ever made in my life. This hurdle was going to cost me a lot of time and most likely going to ensure that I am not going to reach on time for my marriage.
The civilian bearer gave me another cup of tea at 5:00 pm when he saw the pilots are still asleep. Anyway, I sat there blissfully unaware of what was in store for me that evening, enjoying the second tea the civilian bearer was kind enough to offer me.
I requested the civilian bearer for one more tea, because my tension was increasing as it was nearing the Sunset time. This was a big hurdle and an ideal recipe for disaster. If the pilots do not wake up even now I am surely going to miss my marriage tomorrow as the last train leaves by 7:30 pm and I am unlikely to make it to the railway station which was around 50 km from this air base.
The time was past 6:00 pm. Finally, the two pilots woke up washed their face and went for flight briefing. They told me to go and sit in the aircraft. I picked up my suitcase and my walking stick, and walked back towards the aircraft.
I boarded the super hot and humid aircraft cabin and sat. Heat and humidity was the least of my problem. My problem was the pilots delaying the takeoff unnecessarily. They were fully aware that I have to reach home before my marriage ceremony starts in the Church. I need to get ready for that after reaching home.
The Air Force Aircraft Flew Away from My Home Story
By the time the pilots came and started the aircraft, time was already past 7:30 pm. I had not slept yesterday, I have not had breakfast or lunch today, and now I am without dinner sitting inside the aircraft.
Yet, I was still content that I am finally going to be home late in that night. I can fight hunger for a good reason. My marriage was the highest priority for me, at that moment. I had to somehow reach home that night. Otherwise I am not going to attend my own marriage, the next day.
The pilots started the engines one by one and the aircraft was rolling down the runway for takeoff. I was the only soul other than two crew and the pilots in the aircraft. I sat lost in sweet thoughts about my marriage. After half an hour of day dreaming after take off, I looked out of the aircraft window and saw the moon rise. I was shaken out of my dreams.
It was almost a full moon rising from the horizon. I realized that I am looking out of the right side window of the aircraft and I am seeing the moon rise, which means we are heading north. I panicked. I am a pilot myself. My home is in the west. But these air force pilots were flying the aircraft northwards. Something was seriously wrong.
I unstrapped from my seat and ran to the pilots in the cockpit and looked at the aircraft Compass. The aircraft was indeed flying northwards. I stood there for a while thinking that they may turn. An hour went past and the aircraft was still travelling northwards. Something was really wrong. The sound in the cockpit was too jarring and I won't be able to hear anything even if I ask.
I was not able to understand what was going on, I asked the pilot shouting over the engine noise, “Sir my home is in the west and so is the airbase we are going to land. Then, why are you going north?”
I got a reply which surprised me. The pilot shouted back, “We have to do a few mandatory night landing practice which is not possible in our airfield. So, we will do it in this airbase just 15 minutes away and then we will turn back.
I shouted back again, "Sir, my marriage is planned early morning tomorrow. I hardly have any time left. Please do something."
The pilot just looked back and smiled at me. I wished and prayed to God that they too some day go through the same situation I was in. If they are married then, they should face the same situation as a father exactly the way my father will feel tomorrow, when I do not turn up for my own marriage.
I kept cursing the pilots for not telling me about this plan before. I would taken a train instead. This hurdle was too much for me to go across. I did not know what is finally going to happen. I went back and sat on my seat completely helpless.
10 Hours to My Marriage Story
The pilots continued to fly that air force aircraft in the northerly direction and I was praying to God to make the pilots fly south west, towards my hometown. God probably did not listen to my prayers probably because he already had some plan for me. I helplessly watched the moon through the right hand side window of this air force plane.
Then I felt the aircraft had started descending. I went near the cockpit again and saw the runway lights appear. The pilot did three night landings at the airfield and then went into the airfield dispersal for refueling. They switched off the aircraft. I saw the fuel bowser waiting to refuel the aircraft on the dispersal as the aircraft came in.
When the aircraft engines went silent, my heart sank again. Now there was no way I can get home from the double the distance from where I had previously landed in the aircraft from the island. A train will take over 24 hours to reach my home from this place. There was no way I was going to reach and get married tomorrow.
I was surely going to miss my own marriage if any of this aircraft's two engines fail to startup after refueling and servicing is done. I kept thinking how come I am going from sad to happy and happy to sad state so frequently, in just one day which happens to be the day prior to my own marriage when I should have been only happy throughout the day.
If I do not make it to my own marriage, what happens to the girl and her family? Will they pardon me, my parents and relatives? Will they let me marry her later on? Or is my marriage cancelled forever? I had so many questions, to which I could not find answers.
The pilots were getting off the air force aircraft and they called me to accompany me. I ignored them. I was supposed to Marry in a small church in less than 12 hours, and these ruthless air force pilots have taken me to a place 24 hours away from my home and marriage. There was absolutely no way I was going to make it to my marriage now. I sat there without any emotions.
At about 12:00 pm, with just 10 hours to go my marriage ceremony to start, the air force aircraft started up again and we were taxying to the runway. I was not very sure now if I can make it home in time for my marriage. The aircraft will take four hours to reach the air force airfield, which was originally supposed to cut my journey by half to 5 hours. Now I will reach this airfield after 3 hours at 3:00 am.
Now, I will be able to get out of this doomed aircraft only at 3:00 am. There was no way I can take a bus at that time in the night and reach home in good time to get ready and attend my marriage.
By the time I reached, most likely the bride and her parents and relatives may all have gone back. What use is it going home now. But there was nothing for me to do except leave everything to fate and the God to fix it up for me.
The aircraft got airborne from the runway. This time I did not want to know where the aircraft was heading. It did not matter anymore. My marriage was doomed. I was not going to get married tomorrow. I was sad. I just sat holding my bowed head in my hands. I lost track of time.
We landed at the airfield past 3:00 am. The airfield is far away from the nearest bus station and the railway station. At 3:00 am there won’t be any bus plying on the roads. I might have to wait till at least 4 am for a bus home.
I was the lone passenger in the Avro aircraft. And I was an uninvited guest on this airbase. So, there was no vehicle arranged for me after landing. The air force crew had their own vehicles parked nearby and they went home. They forgot or ignored me. I stood alone in the aircraft in that dark night holding my suitcase and walking stick.
I got down from the aircraft and asked one of the crew securing the aircraft where is the main gate, because I wanted to catch a bus. He showed me a general direction and I started walking towards the main gate of the Air Force station.
A Bus Ride to My Marriage Story
It took me about 25 minutes walk to reach the main gate. I asked the men guarding the air force station gate, if there is a bus which stops near that gate, to go to the bus depot or the railway station?
The old guard asked me what the hurry was to take a bus immediately at 2:30 am and why I cannot wait till day break. I said, “It is my marriage in six hours from now at a place about 200 kilometers away from there.
The old man seemed to be more understanding than I expected. He stopped an air force van going that way, which was transporting troops to the check post and said something to the driver. The civilian driver came running and picked up my bag and ran towards the van. I ran behind him to get my bag back from him. For a moment I thought the man is robbing me at night.
The man threw my bag into the van and told me to get in to the driver's cabin quickly. He was the driver of that vehicle and I was surprised to see the speed at which he was driving that small vehicle as if it was an ambulance carrying a patient about to die.
In about 20 minutes, I was in a bus station. He seemed to be happier than me to see me board a bus going to my home town. As the 4:00 am bus to my hometown started moving, I saw the smiling face of the driver waving to me and saluting me. I saluted him back with full respect and gratitude, standing up inside the bus.
I was hoping to be married in a few hours. This time the hope was strong. I had already started thanking God who seems to have been awake that night and was actually helping me overcome one hurdle after the other. At least he had ensured that the aircraft did not go unserviceable in the further airfield and both engine started normally.
God also ensured no aircraft emergencies happened during the flight. God even arranged a Vehicle to drop me to the bus station in 20 minutes flat and ensure that I board the 4:00 am bus to my home town. How could I not thank God for all that, who was ensuring that I get married in a few hours. Once again I my hope to be married in a few hours was becoming a reality.
The 4:00 am bus went fairly fast because at night the roads were almost empty. I had to change to another bus to reach my hometown. Finally, I walked the remaining one kilometer to my home.
I Reached Well In Time For My Marriage
I reached home at 9:00 am, exactly one hour before my marriage ceremony was to start in a Church. I had enough time to present the walking stick to my old father who was anxiously awaiting my arrival. Dad was so happy to see me arrive first and then to get a beautiful walking stick with some wood crafting on its handle, which he had always wanted.
My father told me to get ready and reach the Church in time and immediately left for the Church to arrange everything there, with my mother and the entire family.
I had enough time to get my three piece suite pressed myself. I even polished my new shoes and got them so shiny that I could use it in place a mirror to see my face. I still had spare time to get a refreshing bath and change. An hour was a long time.
I crossed the ocean and came 2000 kilometers in under 20 hours at a time, when it had looked almost impossible to accomplish. God was kind and miracles do happen in real life. I finally made it just in time to attend my own marriage. I do not know who all should I be thanking for that moment and who all should I be cursing for all the moments before that.
Three decades later, my father still uses that same walking stick I presented him.
I still live with the same girl I married thirty years back. We have two beautiful kids who are now grown up and married. And the best part is that we are happily married ever since that day. We have grown old. But I have never forgotten the great escape to my own marriage.
Unfortunately, no one believes this true life story. Believe it or not, this true life story actually happened. A few days back, when I was about to finish writing this story, I asked my wife, "Were you not worried that I have not reached till 8:00 am just just an hour to go for our marriage?"
Her reply was, "You were unreliable since that time. We had plans to go back if you were not going to be home, in next 30 minutes."
I felt very relaxed hearing her answer and smiled at her. I never knew I had a full thirty minutes extra in hand that day to make it home and I was unnecessarily under tension of missing my own marriage all the time.
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